Stuck Inside? Experience The City From Your Couch


Many people living in Brooklyn are currently indoors, away from the rest of the world, as they find health sanctuary in the comfort of their apartments. Undoubtedly, however, dwellers of the city will start to feel an uncomfortable cabin fever take hold of them, as they daydream about the greater outdoors and the fresh air they long to feel on their pallid faces.

Serious measures have been taken to keep the people of Brooklyn indoors, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t still pursue a cultural experience from your own living room. We’ve recently discovered that libraries, museums, and parks can all be accessed via the internet. What a time to be alive!

Think The Met and The Brooklyn Museum are far out of reach? Think again! Many museums have virtual tours and access to exhibitions on their websites. You can also take a deep dive exploring the actual buildings themselves. Follow the hashtag #museumathome to catch up on the latest and greatest.

Additionally, libraries - including our very own Brooklyn Public Library - provide access to e-books, research materials, and more. Online courses are also easily accessed through their virtual portal. Who says you cant access a world of cultural knowledge from the comfort of your own couch?

Finally, if you are really searching for some outdoor time, might we suggest taking a virtual tour of Central Park? It’s absolutely possible - and kind of fascinating if we’re being honest. Furthermore, you can access all the major city sites by watching videos produced by 92Y. They tour you around the streets of New York giving you a vast amount of insight on landmarks you may or may not have heard of.

So, for the remainder of your quarantine, try giving these ideas a whirl! It may not be the outdoor experience you’ve been looking for, but it just may be enough to keep you going.