When The Folks Are In Town

With the holidays drawing nearer, it’s likely that you’ll be hosting some out of state family members this winter. If this is your first time having guests over for an extended stay, let me just say this: Hosting relatives never goes smoothly. Brooklyn is in direct contrast from most places, so the results can be often be harrowing. To help you out, we have provided some fool proof tips for having magical quality time with the fam.

First of all, let’s talk bout the fact that your relatives are never really prepared for the amount of walking they’ll have to do. You may no longer notice it anymore, but it will be the first thing they complain about. Maybe save a few bucks to Uber every once in a while, or plan activities closer to home. They’ll appreciate it.

If you’re looking for something affordable to do with your family, some museums in Brooklyn are free on certain days! It’s awesome! Admission to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden is free on all weekdays from mid-November through February. On the first Saturday of every month, the Brooklyn Museum also has a free night of fun from 5 pm to 11 pm, with live music, dance, movie screenings, arts & crafts, guided tours, and more. If you’re on a budget, finding out all you can about museum free days is essential..

Dealing with multiple appetites? Make everyone happy with the food halls of Brooklyn. Food Halls are great for two reasons: You support local businesses and you have a variety of delicious food options for your pickier relatives. Whether it’s Berg'n, DeKalb Market Hall or Gotham Market at the Ashland, your relatives will be pretty pleased with the array of options.

Stuck in a snowstorm? Impress your relatives with delivery services. Trust us when we say that your relatives have way less tolerance for harsh weather. Instead of doing a grocery run, explore Target or Amazon’s Same Day Services. (Yes, Target does a same day delivery in Brooklyn!) They’ll be totally grateful, and somewhat impressed. Folks from out of state don’t really utilize the same day services like Brooklynites do.

Finally, don’t be afraid to take your family to more of the discreet shops and restaurants in Brooklyn. Though it may not seem like the “touristy” thing to do, those places tend to not only be less crowded, but more of where the heart of Brooklyn lies. Quirky restaurants like Pies N’ Thighs and La Lupe, along with music venues like Pete’s Candy Store and C’mon Everybody hone in on what Brooklyn is all about. It will make your relatives feel as though they really embraced Brooklyn and all it has to offer.